Michael and Courtney in
Neyland Stadium after the game. That is the Tennessee River behind them with the "Vol Navy" on the water.

Toby, Abby and I after the game. Nice and sweaty...but the Vols won so it was all worth it!

Much to her mother's dismay Abby is dead set on being a cheerleader in both the near and far futures. Her daddy was nice enough to walk her down to where they were cheering in the 4
th quarter and let her see them up close. He said 3 or 4 of them ran up and have her high fives and they all waved to her and made a big to-do over her. She loved that, of course. She told Toby that they had to stay down there until the game was all the way over.

She can not get enough of the cheerleaders...

Waiting, waiting, waiting for the game to begin...

Enjoying a candy necklace in the shade before the game. Some nice (drunken) Vol offered to take our picture and then couldn't figure out if she had pressed the camera button or not. It was pretty funny...

Pregame back at the condo. A few more years and Beau will be going right along with us, I'm sure!

Beau taking a swim in the tub. I'm not sure why his lips look purple in this picture...

The 3 cousins playing together. Aren't they cute. Abby helped take care of Will and entertain him all weekend. She will be quite the babysitter some day if I do say so myself! I think her favorite part of the trip was getting to see her cousin. Beau like Will, too. He continues to try and hug him by laying on top of him. Will is never quite sure what to do. Beau doesn't quite know what to do when Will screams at him while he eats (because he wants a bite of whatever it is Beau happens to be eating at the moment). These three are hilarious together. I'm sure it will get even funnier as time goes on...

Papaw (Toby's dad) playing with Will on the porch of the condo. Will liked his mustache a lot!

Uncle Michael hanging with Will and Abby. They had just gotten there and Abby was
soooo excited to see them!

Abby putting Beau's hat on on Aunt Jody. Abby thinks it is hilarious and proceeded to tell her how big her head was.
This weekend we had a great time in Pigeon Forge compliments of Papaw Smith. This is either the 3rd or 4th year in a row we have done this one weekend in October. It is so much fun to get together with family and enjoy a weekend filled with food, family and a great UT game! Thursday night we arrived fairly late. The condo is always so nice and roomy, and this year was no exception. Thank-you, Papaw! Jody and I went to Walmart after Grey's Anatomy and stocked up on groceries for the weekend. Friday we went to the Apple Barn for brunch and then we enjoyed a fun filled day of great shopping while the guys stayed at the condo with the kiddies. The intent was to get a lot of Christmas shopping done. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I bought ONE Christmas gift. How sad is that? I have got to get on the ball! Anyways, Saturday morning Toby's friend Jammey came up and took our pictures (essentialmomentsphotography.com) for us - thank-you Jammey!! Then it was off to the UT game. We had a great time catching up with old friends and watching UT beat Georgia! It was Abby's first official UT game. I think she had a lot of fun although it was very hot and tiring! As seen above, her favorite part of the game was the cheerleaders. Thanks for the great tickets, Aunt Ramona! The biggest shout out goes to Aunt Jody who stayed back at the condo in Pigeon Forge watching the two boys. THANKS AUNT JODY! You are the best!! It was another great weekend in Pigeon Forge, and I can't wait until next year when we go again! (Although it will be a much longer drive...I'll worry about that next year...)
Your kids are so stinkin cute! I laughed out loud about the differnet reactions to the busted lip! Hey, being a cheerleader isn't all bad! (as long as it's just Abby-Ha!)
Looks like you had a great weekend!!! Your kids are so sweet!
these pictures turned out great! Abby looks sooo cute- i bet she loved it. you are very lucky to have such a great father-in-law and sister-in-law.. way to go larry and jodi. niki
i'm glad you had a great weekend! we were so glad you stopped by to visit!
Looks like ya'll had a wonderful trip! It's always great to spend time with family. All the kids are adorable and so happy too!! Hope to see ya'll soon....
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