Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What's Your Name?

So, I went to bed late and then Beau proceeded to get up 3 or 4 times last night and come into our room, get in the bed with us, toss and turn for a half hour each time, and then go back to his bed...or be taken back to his bed. I got up at the usual early hour to get Abby up and ready for school. Toby took her, so at least I did not have to get dressed. We are all somewhat sick, though I venture to say that this is not why he is getting up as he is very cheery and ready to talk and play. The only problem is it is 3am!!! The magic pink liquid might have to make an appearance tonight...
Anyways, I have been sitting at the computer for a good 30-45 minutes trying to wake up (coffee is brewed, but I am literally too lazy to go in there and get any). I came across a link on for the meaning of names. I then proceeded to look up my entire immediate family. I am crazy. What a waste of time. I figured since I have gone that far I might as well put them on the blog so I can remember them...
Toby - God is good
Ray - protecting hands (love that)
Karmen - fruitful orchard
Danielle - judged by God
Abigail - a father's joy (love that, too...)
Renee' - reborn
Beau - handsome, beautiful
Michael - who resembles God

So, I pretty much knew what the kids' names all meant prior to naming them that. I think names are so special when somewhat purposeful, and/or when they are a namesake of some sort. I like my name meanings the least, of course. Fruitful orchard? Ok. Anyways, they made me smile so I thought I would pass them on. If you don't know what your name means or your kids names mean, look em' up! It may make you smile!

I'll post new pictures soon. I caught one of the boys asleep in the our bed this morning. I have more sewing projects to share, too, of course! Meg - the pants are done - I just need to iron them- I am mailing them today if I get out of my house!!!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Neat! I will have to look up ours! Will has not slept well the last two nights either...misery.