Friday, February 6, 2009

Christmas 2008

Abby back in her classroom after her school Christmas performance. The kids were so sweet saying scripture and singing songs - it just about makes me cry every year. My favorite song this year was, "Knock, knock, knock, went Joseph..." - have you all heard that one. So sweet sang in those precious little voices.
Where's Abby? (Terrible picture, but you get the idea...)
We are on our way to Tennessee!! Rocky takes front and center (literally) on Beau's pillow covered up with Abby's blanket. Seriously. If I could have it half as good...
Aunt Ann was so sweet to let Abby help make a High School Musical birthday cake while we were in town. I have to say it may have been the highlight of Abby's trip. She would stay in the kitchen "helping" all day if you let her. Ann is so patient, and even let Abby decorate her cake herself. Thanks Aunt Ann!
Making cookies for Santa at Papaw's house. It was really a special Christmas for us because the kids got to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning in the house Daddy grew up in!
One gripe about the house is the not so well working oven!! It made for some great Christmas cookies!! Ha! Toby loves this picture. Notice the steam coming up in the front of Toby's shirt. Hilarious. Papaw may be getting a new oven for his birthday this year!
We had more cookies, so Santa was in luck this year. He was even served off of Aunt Jody's "vintage" Sesame Street plate!
Pre kids waking up - Santa came!!
And, the kids are up! Let the opening begin! They were so excited. Some favorite gifts of 2008 included a train table and lots of Cars loot for Beau, and a Fancy Nancy doll and and art tackle box for Abby full of different art supplies.
A ballerina with her pop is something you don't see every day, but we got to on Christmas morning!
Uncle Michael playing with the boys. Will and Beau are 6 months apart and are starting to really have a lot fun playing together. It is so cute.Smith family picture
It was so great to have all of us together for Christmas on Christmas Day!
Can you teach me how, Uncle Michael?
The kids love wrestling with Uncle Berry. I have a picture like this from almost every encounter with him!
Enjoying all of the family to help entertain our young-uns!
MiMi and Abby by the firepit. The kids (and adult males) really loved hanging outside by the firepit, shooting fireworks and playing with sparklers!
Mommy making an appearance outside.
Abby and her buddy Austin enjoying playing the Wii they got for Christmas.
Swinging at Aunt Sara's

Back home in Louisiana helping Daddy put together the train table.

10 Things about Christmas 2008:

1. All of our immediate families were together on Christmas Day, and it was awesome!

2. I attempted making the dressing and it did not turn out well at all!!! Thank goodness I made some other things so I could halfway redeem myself!

3. No snow...again. One of these years my kids will have a white Christmas!!

4. We traveled well over 2000 miles total during the two weeks we were gone.

5. I have never answered so many questions about Santa in my entire life!!

6. I didn't go to a single (adult) Christmas party this year. We were in Disneyworld when we missed the ones here, and the Luckett's didn't do Dirty Santa this year. More parties next year!

7. Toby started a collection of red Le Creuset for me, and I really love them!

8. I wish we could have spent more time with some of our friends in Nashville, too.

9. Abby says her favorite thing about Christmas this year was going to see our family. Nothing about Santa, presents, Disney, etc. She knows what is important at the ripe old age of 5!

10. Toby has less than 2 years left in his fellowship! Hooray!!


LB said...

Fun Christmas! I loved the cookies picture and Abby with her pop gun! Too funny!

lyla said...

great christmas pictures!!! what a fun time with everyone together. i love the picture of abby with her gun and tutu :)