Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Getting shampooed - ahhhh - I really like that part of my baths.
All snuggled up in my towel after my bath
Hanging out in my seat watching my big brother and sister.
Aunt Jody came for a visit this past weekend. Lane was so happy to meet her. She has a comfy lap - perfect for snoozing. Thanks for coming to visit us, Jody, especially on your birthday! We miss you already!
Mommy, Beau and Lane before her first trip to church. Lane had a rainy Sunday debut, but she didn't seem to mind a bit. Beau and Abby were so proud to have Lane with them.
Mommy and Lane before church.

Week 3 with 3 kids is going pretty good! Aunt Jody came for a visit this past weekend and it was soooo nice to have an extra pair of (adult) hands around. Her birthday was Friday, so we celebrated with some steaks and yummy cupcakes. Saturday was football and a birthday party for Abby, Sunday was church and a playdate for Abby, and Monday was back to school and a 2 week physical for Lane at the peds office. Lane got a fat and healthy report from the doctor - she weighed in at 9lbs 8oz (up from her 8lb 4oz birth weight). It is safe to say that this kid really likes to eat! I'll try to keep the pictures coming!


Christine said...

Dee Dee, She is Beautiful!!!! I'm so glad it's going well for you. I wish I could see that precious baby!!

Andrew and Carter's Mom said...

Wow, no problem getting her back up to birth weight! She must be a nursing machine! You all look great, I love the picture of you and Lane before church! Where's Abby in these?

Pamela said...

Love the pictures! You look great Dee Dee! Lane looks just like Abby.

Courtney said...

Yea new pics! She looks like Toby! She is SO SWEET AND CUTE AND I CAN"T WAIT TO MEET HER!!! Look at that bow and pearl bracelet! You look SOOOO good too! Sweet pictures!

Julie said...

I love the pics!! She is beautiful!!

Andrew and Carter's Mom said...

We got the tent at Toys R Us, only $50...I would have paid $100 for the break it gets me!! They have a smaller one for $30.