Lane modeling a hand-me-down from her cousin Quinn. Love it! Go Vols!

Christmas card picture. We attempted all 3 together in their matching ensembles, but someone (who shall remain nameless) was NOT having it that night! We took all of these pictures of the 3 of them in wooden rocker in front of the tree - this was the only one Toby took like this while I was trying to get "someone" to quit crying. Thank goodness he took it, because it was the one of the big kids we used on the card! Ha! Isn't that just how it goes?

They LOVE their little sister...

Two of probably around two hundred kisses she got from these two that day!

I know - gross, but this is a picture of tooth #2 about to come out. Yep...we have lost both of our bottom teeth, and have one top one that is really loose. She has two big
oversized, crooked,
jaggedy teeth coming in to replace those lost. Sigh. Getting so big...

Our little thumb sucker.

Abby at her Christmas performance.

After the performance in her classroom

Worn out trying to keep up with her big brother and big sisters' schedules

Horribly blurry, but the best I got of Beau at his little performance. Look at him waving to his mommy. So sweet.

Abby's book she got at the book swap.

Beau's book prize.

Beau's little pillow he made for us at school. Isn't that the sweetest?

Beau got this awesome Cars tent and camping gear from his Uncle
Mehul and Aunt Tina, and the cool Cars blanket was made by his Aunt Ann. Toby set it all up on his floor for a nap Christmas Day. Alas, two hours later, there was no nap taken and lots of empty candy wrappers under his bed. I guess that's Beau's idea of camping out.

Abby was so excited about her
HSM blanket Aunt Ann made for her.

It isn't long before these two start refusing to wear the outfits I make them. So far, they still will...

Daddy and Lane chilling on the couch before church candlelight service.

Beau and Mommy - self portrait

Putting out reindeer food, of course.

Eating some of Santa's cookies. Can you tell we are excited?

Cookies, milk and pictures the kids left for Santa.

Jody reading "The Night Before Christmas" to the kids on Christmas Eve. We were SO happy to have Jody and Papaw spend Christmas with us. It helps to have extra adults to absorb some of the energy!

The tree and stockings Christmas Eve. Isn't that an obnoxious pile of gifts...before Santa came? Out of control...

Lane's first Christmas morning. She was pretty content to watch all of the action from a relatively safe place.

Papaw Christmas morning. Aunt Jody took this with her new camera. Pretty good...

Daddy opening his stocking loot. He was excited about this one...

Abby showing off her stocking loot and helping Mommy open my stocking.

One of the few things Beau asked Santa for. He was so excited about getting this. Too cute.

Lane and Mommy watching the action. It was so fun watching the kids excitement on Christmas morning. Abby came sprinting into our room around 8
ish (not bad!) on Christmas morning yelling that "Santa came - He came! He really did! There are presents for everyone and our stockings are full! Even yours, Daddy!"

Beau posing by his stack of gifts.

Merry 1st Christmas from Ms. Dorothy Lane! She is the sweetest baby. We are so blessed to have her!
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We sure did!